I stumbled upon this news story a week or so ago and thought I'd share it. As someone who is constantly giving people reasons why they should identify and microchip their pets (whether indoor or outdoor), this was a new one for me! Without speculating as to how the small girl and dog got away on their own in the first place (the parents were napping and didn't know they had wandered off), it's great to know that the police and animal control officers were able to scan the dog's microchip to get them both home safely after a short period of time of being lost. Who knows how long it would have taken them to find the parents if not for the dog's microchip?
I also love this story because this dog had just recently been adopted by the family, so it's a testament to the strong bond that you can create with an adult adopted pet within such a short time period of one week that the dog literally would not leave the child's side! It just warms your heart to think about that, doesn't it?
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Microchip reader is paired with microchip needle to produce dynamic outcomes at user-end.