Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Little Things that Make Us Smile, Again and Again and...

Helping me prepare for a presentation last year.
One of the volunteers at my workplace wrote a great story about his recent volunteer experience, and it made me realize how much I’ve been neglecting my own blog! I love my job and helping animals in various ways at work, but sometimes I overlook the little experiences that I can write about in my personal “animal life” that captures the very reason why I devote the majority of my professional and volunteer life to helping animals who aren’t as fortunate as those in loving homes (yet!).

Just as I sat down and started writing this, Cleo (one of my two cats) got in my lap between me and my laptop and forced me to take an early break while she made biscuits. Now she’s just sitting up against my side, content while I type. I love the little funny, cute moments every day like this that make me stop and smile. I definitely won’t be allowed to forget to spend time with either of my cats each day, because I wouldn’t want to but also because they wouldn’t dare let me! Let me take you through a typical day in my life with two cats (my boyfriend is pretty darn great too, but unfortunately for him, my blog isn’t about boyfriends):

You'd believe how beautiful her eyes are by her photos...
When my alarm goes off in the morning, I tend to snooze a couple times before I actually get up. But it’s easy not to sleep through the snoozes, because as soon as the first alarm goes off, Cleo is chirping at me and takes her position on my chest laying facing me until I pet her for a bit and then get up. If I’m too sleepy and don’t pet her quickly enough, she head butts my hands and pets herself until I get the point. I am then followed to the bathroom where I start getting ready for the day, and she stays by my side during my whole morning routine (we have it all down to a science without realizing it). She even lays in front of the tub while I shower, which I’m pretty sure isn’t typical of cat behavior.  Stormy stays sitting close by, staring at me with her big green eyes and using her loud raspy meow to get my attention, making sure that I don’t forget to feed them while I am getting my own lunch ready for the day.  Once I start making my lunch, Cleo takes her cue and jumps up on the table by the window and sits patiently waiting for me to open the blinds so she can assess the morning happenings in our back yard. When I leave to go to work, I can usually look up as I drive away and watch her seeing me off for the day. I’m so used to my morning cat routine that sometimes I forget how cute it really is, but I definitely get a few smiles in from them before going to work.